Short overview ...
Short overview ...
- Freelancer since 1999
- Software development: design, quality, processes, legacy code, test frameworks
- Image analysis: object and anomaly detection, X-rays and millimeter waves
- Reverse engineering and requirements extraction
- X-ray baggage security screening and threat detection
- Classification algorithms, statistics, machine learning
- Numerical simulations, statistics, distributed computing
- C++, Linux, Python, OpenCV, script languages, XML...
- Clean Code / Adaptive Autosar C++14 rules / CERT C++ rules, coding standards
- (automotive industry, training) Design of a course / Web-based training
- for a world-wide developer community
- legally-safe software development for safety-critical systems, e.g. automotive embedded devices
- MISRA standards for C/C++: coding standards and MISRA-processes
- Coding tandards / Clean Code
- (automotive) Reverse Engineering
- software of an Engine Control Unit (ECU)
- (security technology) System programming of a compley detection process on a Linux platform
- http server communication
- parallel execution of several multi-threaded processes
- numerical compatibility of legacy 32-bit customer library execution on a modern 64-bit system
- (security technology) Image analysis, classifikation algorithms, system software for X-ray scanner
- komplex C++ algorithms, image analysis. object detektion, 2D und 3D
- UNIX system programming: multi-threading, TBB
- neural networks, Support-Vector-Machine
- porting Java and Python programs to C++
- simulations and distributed computing
- (printing industry) Hidden codes in printing products
- data encoding
- image analysis
- C++, Python
- OpenCV
- Data Matrix Codes: libdmtx
- (semiconductor industry) Developer + architect System-on-Chip (SOC) test system software
- component based architecture
- large legacy code basis
- Openoffice UNO middleware, multi-prozess and multi-threaded applications
- international company with developers in China and Japan
- C++, Java, GUI based on Eclipse 3.7, Ruby, Python, Clearcase, SCons
- (automotive industry) Software for driver assistance system
- reverse engineering
- extraction of requirements
- writing of regression tests
- Windows, MS-Visual Studio C++
- Software:
- object-oriented analysis, design, implementation, tests, documentation
- parallel execution (multi-threading and multi-process execution)
- component-based architecture
- complex algorithms and numerical computing
- Reverse engineering, extraction of requirements
- C++ Standard Template Library (STL)
- Linux, Windows
- UNIX system programming (e.g. IPC, POSIX threads)
- UNIX shell scripts, Perl, Python, Ruby and other tools
- DELPHI Client/Server (Windows)
- SQL (INGRES relational DB, SQLite)
- XML/XML-Schema, HTML, XPath, XQuery, einen XPath Parser geschrieben
- VTK 3d-Graphik, X Graphik Programmierung
- Software tools:
- Subversion (SVN), GIT, CVS, ClearCase configuration management
- Docbook, Doxygen, Latex
- BOOST library
- Openoffice UNO (universal network objects, middleware) programming (like Corba)
- debuggers: gdb, TotalView, valgrind, electric fence, Rational Purify
- static code analysis with Coverity, Cppunit
- unit and blackbox tests, cppunit, gtest
- realtime performance analysis using oprofile
- WinOLS
- Ghidra disassembler/decompiler
- Jenkins programming and configuration
- Jira software platform
- Bugzilla
- QtCreator, Eclipse
- Atlassian Confluence Wiki
- Compilers gcc, icc, clang
- Rpm / Debian package building
- Data Matrix codes: libdmtx
- libcurl / http server
- Secure-shell Ssh
- MS-Visual Studio C++
- WebRTC Kommunikations Lib (kurz)
- Data Matrix Codes: libdmtx
- Physics:
- PhD in experimental physics
- X-ray diffraction
- powder crystal structure determination
- synchrotron radiation
- microwave radiation
- Image analysis and object classification:
- object recognition, anomaly and threat detection
- X-ray transmission images (luggage scanning)
- microwave radiation (human body images)
- very complex scenes
- search for bulk and sheet explosives
- classification methods, neural networks, SVM support vector machine
- large amounts of image data
- 2D and 3D geometry algorithms
- OpenCV library
- numpy and scikit-learn/sklearn libraries
- Areas of work:
- automobile production steering
- logistics
- research in optics: infrared cameras
- X-ray image analysis
- machine learning and classification techniques
- complex system-on-chip/SOC testing software
- millimeter wave technology
- statistics
- printing industry codes
- Others:
- computation speed and memory usage tuning
- Portierung von 32-bit auf 64-bit Architektur
- distributed computing
- Reverse Engineering
- Kanban and Scrum process for software development
- MISRA C++ standard and processes for safety-critical applications
- Clean Code / Adaptive Autosar C++14 rules / CERT C++ rules
- how to handle large legacy source code base
- porting C/C++ code from 32-bit to 64-bit architecture
- numerical algorithms
- Coaching
- Industry sectors:
- industry research
- semiconductor and component test systems
- automotive / production steering
- logistics
- university research
- startups